full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Crystal Rasmussen: A queer journey from shame to self-love

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But my journey to shamelessness was not over. fnuny how years of deep embedded circuitry takes a little while to untangle. See, I'd made this bubble, this shame-free bubble where everything about me was cbterelaed. And one night on the way home from a gig in drag, I was beat so badly that I was hospitalized, by a homophobic passer by. The shame flooded out of my iearntnl boxes and filled me up. I went to so many dark places in my head. I'm loathe to raepet them, but I asked myself questions like "What if everyone who's ever said anything bad about me was right? What if I deserve all of this smhae?"

Open Cloze

But my journey to shamelessness was not over. _____ how years of deep embedded circuitry takes a little while to untangle. See, I'd made this bubble, this shame-free bubble where everything about me was __________. And one night on the way home from a gig in drag, I was beat so badly that I was hospitalized, by a homophobic passer by. The shame flooded out of my ________ boxes and filled me up. I went to so many dark places in my head. I'm loathe to ______ them, but I asked myself questions like "What if everyone who's ever said anything bad about me was right? What if I deserve all of this _____?"


  1. shame
  2. internal
  3. celebrated
  4. repeat
  5. funny

Original Text

But my journey to shamelessness was not over. Funny how years of deep embedded circuitry takes a little while to untangle. See, I'd made this bubble, this shame-free bubble where everything about me was celebrated. And one night on the way home from a gig in drag, I was beat so badly that I was hospitalized, by a homophobic passer by. The shame flooded out of my internal boxes and filled me up. I went to so many dark places in my head. I'm loathe to repeat them, but I asked myself questions like "What if everyone who's ever said anything bad about me was right? What if I deserve all of this shame?"

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
worked hard 2

Important Words

  1. asked
  2. bad
  3. badly
  4. beat
  5. boxes
  6. bubble
  7. celebrated
  8. circuitry
  9. dark
  10. deep
  11. deserve
  12. drag
  13. embedded
  14. filled
  15. flooded
  16. funny
  17. gig
  18. head
  19. home
  20. homophobic
  21. hospitalized
  22. internal
  23. journey
  24. loathe
  25. night
  26. passer
  27. places
  28. questions
  29. repeat
  30. shame
  31. shamelessness
  32. takes
  33. untangle
  34. years